Missing Daisy

Missing Daisy
Ziggy and Zoie loving their sister

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Haters will Hate

I woke up this morning to a notification in my email that said I have a comment to my "I Don't Have A Plan B" blog post. I was so excited because I have never had a comment before!
I went to read it right away. It said:

"YOU are rude and obviously don't know God, Hissy Hanny".

I sat there for a minute and could not make sense of it. I scanned my post to try to see where I could have possibly been rude but I saw nothing. It took me another minute to realize that what I had read was the Response to a Comment made last month on May31st. The Comment said:

Has it occurred to that Jesus is sending you a message?

She's not your daughter.

If Jesus wanted you to adopt?

The cash would be provided.

Who are YOU to defy the Lord's will?!

I was shocked but I pondered that for a minute. I mean in my whole life nothing has felt more like I was following God's Will than this specific adoption. Honestly from the beginning I have been led and nothing has felt more like God's Will than bringing this sweet child home. When I was adopting Zoie and I was making a list of Special Needs I was comfortable with, Down Syndrome wasn't even on the list. I was sure back then that this was a Special Need that would be too much for me to handle. Then I brought Zoie home and only a few months later God told me that Daisy was my daughter and as if I had just found out I was pregnant I embraced her whole heartedly and accepted her exactly how she was. And LOVED her exactly how she was. PERFECT. In fact I loved that she had Down Syndrome, does that sound weird? All of a sudden Down Syndrome wasn't scary anymore because this was my child. It felt like pregnancy though adoption if that makes sense. I have been over the moon since!
I have a hard time understanding how someone could read my heart felt fears about the money that I had poured out for all to see and get out of it that this is not my daughter, especially since i was still in the process of the hard work of Fundraising. Someone who doesn't even know me. Someone who if they don't have anything nice to say should not say anything at all. She could have donated but she chose to be cruel instead.
Thank you 'Jo's Corner' for having my back. I can't tell you how much it means to me! Your reply to that rude comment was part of the reason I didn't even slightly take it to heart. It almost makes me happy to be so computer challenged that I had no idea I even had a comment and by the time I did you had a chance to reply. Thank You Thank You!!!!

So it's weird but now I know I will raise all the money I need. The fear is gone...I don't know but it's true. I feel this sort of very comforting peace. Faith. The kind of Faith God has wanted me to have all along but the kind of Faith I struggled with being a control freak by nature. I feel peaceful and unafraid. I have let go the "How" of it all and I have released it to him. And it had a lot to do with the Hater's Comment. Maybe everything to do with it because I have been praying for this feeling, this Faith and I know now that I have finally let him take the wheel. It is a feeling accompanied by utter exhaustion.
Exhaustion that is no doubt a result of trying to handle his business. I am SO relieved I don't have to do it ALL.

I have received a 5,000 dollar Matching Grant from Angel's In Disguise! When I raise 5,000 dollars they will match that with another 5,000. In a few short days I have already received over 200 dollars in donations!! I have only 2 more weeks, until July 5th, to raise this money and get the matching grant because then I will need to purchase our tickets to China. I have to raise about 4,700 more. My FSP needs to read 8,109.53. If you are led to you can donate here:


I want you all to now how grateful and humble I am to be on this journey and to experience this absolute Miracle!
Words will never be able to express my LOVE for each and every one of you whether I know you or not. Yes and that includes the Hater. I pray that whatever raw nerve I touched in her through my post, is healed.
May God's Will Be Done!!! <3


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I LOVE your heart! Keep the faith!

  3. I'm so sorry that this happened - keep moving and trusting in what you have felt is His will!

    We began an expedited adoption a few months ago, which to the outside looks crazy! We didn't think that we were in a place to do this, but we have felt strongly called to this journey. We will be in China a few days after you arrive - we are guessing that our CA will be the 28th of July.

    I am keeping you in my prayers, and can't wait to see your sweet daughter in your arms!!

  4. I love you so much Starr! You have always been a true life inspiration and angle. Keep it up beautiful!
